Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Dogs!

Okay, so maybe these are my brother Tom's dogs - Charra and Asa, but they are my dogs forever in my heart! Charra used to be mine, but Mike and I weren't quite ready for that addition when the merge happened. To get her back at this point would require a custody battle - I guess I am just more hopeful that Tom will move back over to the East Valley from the West Valley. Then I can dogsit when he leaves town on business! I can wish can't I?!


Jenifer said...

First commenter! WooHoo! Love your dogs, I've always wanted one of those. (I don't think I can spell what they are, but I do know what they are!)

Lori said...

Hey Atalie! I found you. Now we want pictures of people, not just dogs. :) (They are cute, though.)

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

What cute dogs and I don't say that lighly since I am a cat person. I'm loving the idea of you having a blog!

Tiffany said...

Yea for you having a blog Atalie!! I love it.. and your dogs really ARE beautiful!!

Kendra said...

Love your dogs. What is it with these husbands of ours and the "no dog" rule? I keep checking to see if you have posted anything else yet. You might think you have an excuse with 9 kids...OK, so maybe you do. I loved Andrew's announcemnt. Congrats on another HS graduate.